
A reader's General Construction question: Remove swimming pool?

Jeff M.   from   Phoenix, United States   had this Remove swimming pool question.

I am going to demolish my swimming pool. It is pebble tec over concrete. I have checked with the city of Peoria and as long as I punch enough holes in the bottom to eliminate water build up, there are no other ordinances I need to follow. I have done my homework and know I need to remove 2 feet all the way around the top of the pool.

I don't want to pay 5 to 8 grand for someone to do it. Do you think a decent size electric jack hammer will work? I know it will take a while, but I need a summer project and I am very mechanically and safety minded. Please let me know what you recommend. Thank you...Jeff

Bill's reply

Hi Jeff.
I can't see any problems, I'd do the same myself. The heavier the jack hammer the easier the work. The weight of the hammer does the job.

You can hire an electric one that will do the job OK, only reservation is the length of your power cord. If it is a long way from you power outlet then maybe think again. Hire of buy a really good thick power lead. Don't let the hammer get so hot that it is uncomfortable to touch, that your lead feels warm.

Use my tip of hiring more than one point. Quite often you may get the tip stuck, wedged in rebar etc and it is a lot easier to use another point to dig the stuck one out again.

An air operated jackhammer will pack more punch than the electric one of course. You may find that if the concrete is very solid then the hire of a compressor and hammer for a day may break the back of the job and then you can finish it off at your leisure with an electric one.

I'd punch the holes in the floor first and then fill the pool partly up with sand. (not as far to fall or to drop the tool). Work from the outside breaking into the hole. Then more sand to level off so you can stand at a comfortable level to finish off from the inside. I say sand because it is very easy to compact by just hosing it down with water.

You will need bolt cutters to cut the rebar quite often. Keep it short and under control. It is the only danger really, tripping on it or snagging your power lead.

Otherwise a 9" angle grinder with a few metal cutting discs will make it very easy.

Best of luck with it.

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