
Graphical Construction Glossary >> Woodwork. >> Raking Mould

Raking Mould
A sloping mould made to a profile that will neatly match up against a horizontal mould.
A wooden moulding with a concave face that is fixed to cover the internal walls to ceiling joints. UK and Australian terminology.

Raking moulds

scotia used as a cornice
A sketch showing the set up for a piece of timber scotia being used as a cornice. Mostly discontinued in favour of plasterboard, but smaller scotia sections are still made for use as fillets etc.

The term does not refer to a mould that is fixed to an angle or slope. I refers to moulds that meet horizontal mould and match them by having their profiles adjusted.

Most joints like this are simply mitred, which would be half the total angle and there would be no reason to make a raking mould. In fact they have gone out of fashion with builder's using standard mouldings.

These special moulds were used a lot in the days of panelling and dado rails that followed on up and around stairs.

To get the profile used to be quite a painstaking exercise in geometry and plotting many points.

Not so today, modern CAD programs can do it in seconds.

wainscot at a stair

Above is some wainscot or dado panelling that use raking moulds.

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