
Graphical Construction Glossary >> Concrete and Concreting. >> >> Power Float.

Power Float.
A machine for applying the final finish to concrete slabs by means of rotating steel floats. Also known as a troweling machine and casually the walk behind ones are called helicopters.

a couple of helicopters being used to finsish a raft slab.

Above is a photo of two walk behind troweling machines, commonly called helicopters being used to finish a concrete raft slab.

The concrete after being placed, vibrated, screeded and bull floated would then be allowed to sit and to set enough so that it is almost hard enough to walk on without making a mark on the surface.

a power trowel

  • These petrol driven floats are just light enough for two men to lift onto the slab when it is ready for the final steel float finish.
  • There is a small handle/lever on the machine that allows the operator to alter the angle of the blades.
  • In the initial stage the blades are set to an angle to the surface and as the work progress and the concrete sets harder then the blades are gradually lowered to almost flat for the final finish.
  • The petrol engine has a pull start that is controlled by a centrifugal clutch.
  • The machine is steered by lifting and lowering the handle bars.
a sit on power float

A large sit on double headed floating machine. Photo thanks to Wikipedia User:Nevsal

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