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Graphical Construction Glossary >> masonry. >> brickwork >> Feature Brickwork
There is something about human nature makes us want to have decoration around us. We have always have this need and long may it prevail. In small personal objects and in large municipal building works the urge to stamp something with an individual character is always with us. The photos on this page are of things that just piqued my fancy and I make no claim that they are the best or even good example etc. They are just interesting and examples of what builder's have done in spite of the fact that their mates must have said, "it'll be cheaper if tha cuts oot the fancy bits, an a sight faster too lad!". In the evolution of building the invention of chimneys did a couple of things. For the wealthy buildings developed from great halls with a central fire; to buildings that could have warmth in many rooms. It was then only a short jump to making habitable upper floors as well. Of course if you were rich enough for all that, then you might as well make sure that people noticed, and flaunt it!
For the most part these huge brick structures were rendered with stucco but this particular one was left in plain brickwork and it has a presence all of it's own.
One last thing, the whole point of making a feature of something is to to it well, it must be good. It will be subjected to scrutiny and if it falls short and is not quite good enough then you never should have done it in the first place. If you didn't find exactly what you are looking for try this
search tool that will search the site and the web. "What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience? "When we build, let us think that we build for ever."John Ruskin 1819-1900 |
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Please Note! The information on this site is offered as a guide only! When we are talking about areas where building regulations or safety regulations could exist,the information here could be wrong for your area. It could be out of date! Regulations breed faster than rabbits! You must check your own local conditions. Copyright © Bill Bradley 2007-2012. All rights reserved. ![]() |