
A reader's Roofs and roofing question: Add gables?

Rachael D.   from   Ottawa, Canada   had this Add gables question.

Hi Bill,
We're considering buying an older bungalow that needs some sprucing up of the exterior.

Presently the roof is just a straight line all across the front, and we would like to make it more interesting by adding a gable over the garage and another over the front entrance.

The gable over the entrance would extend approx 5' from the existing roofline and be supported by 2 columns, and the gable over the garage would extend approx 1' from the roofline.

My question is - are there different ways of building them, (and if so, which is the cheapest, since it is purely cosmetic?) Would you have a ball-park cost to the project? I would appreciate any help, thanks.

Bill's reply

Hi Rachel,
I have a page that you may not have seen that deals with something like you are proposing:-

  • The main point is that where the gables to be added join the existing roof, they will sit on top of and be fixed to the existing rafters.
  • In a similar way to the Scotch valley drawn here.
  • This way there is a minimum of disturbance to the existing roof and none to the strength and structure of the house.
  • At the same time it can be done with the same finish and sizes to the existing house so that when finished it will \"look like it grew there\".
  • Sorry I have no idea of costing in Canada. In fact, a couple of years retirement have made me reluctant to give estimates here at home, because things are changing dramatically.
  • If you buy and decide to go ahead, get a decent drawing of what you intend to do that you can show to a few builders for pricing. That way you are all working with the same information.
  • Also talk to the guys that take care of the inspection and approval process in your area first. In my experience these guys are only to happy to help if you contact them early in the process.

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